Teething? Growth Spurt? Mental Takeover by Aliens?
Anyways, on top of that I think Miss Pearl is going through another growth spurt! Yesterday she slept from about 4:45pm until bedtime and about 9:30pm, broken by several brief wakings to eat and go potty, and then slept through the night! That evening sleeping was very unusual. And today has been a very sleepy and eaty day too, interspersed with moments of playfulness followed shortly by tired crankiness.
During the happy awake times she has just been a rolling fool! She's getting really good at it and hardly ever stays on her back anymore - she goes straight to her side when I lay her down. Have you ever diapered a sideways baby? It's hard. She's been going barebottomed more and more as of late. Sometimes she likes to hang out on her side for a while and chomp on her hands, but more often today she's been rolling right on over to her front. And once, after a pause to listen to mama's congratulations on her rolling success, she rolled back over to her back! I was so proud of my sweet little rollypolly baby.
Here is a photo of her taken this morning right before a descent into crankiness began:

Anya's been doing the same. I've been calling it growth spurt, although I rather enjoy the alien’s theory.
Lily got her first tooth at 8 months, if that means anything to anyone.
I love how you manage to get photos of Pearl grinning all the time. They are so sweet. And I hear you on the whole teething thing. I have no idea when a tooth will actually show up in Bean's mouth... And I'm starting to feel silly saying he's teething when I don't have any reason to believe it's so except major gnawing and chomping and drool and irritability. But those things seem to be par for the course with a baby... keep us updated :)
Yup. It seems like they teeth forever. All I remember is that about the time they started to sleep thru the night, they started teething. Sigh.
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