What a wild month! It started out with Halloween. I made her a Totoro costume that she wore to a special Halloween storytime our library held for preschoolers filled spooky stories and songs and ending with a parade through the library that kind of dissolved into her squeaking and chasing her cousin around.

On Halloween night she and I stayed home and carved a pumpkin. Pearl has kind of a thing for pumpkins and before we started drawing and slicing its face she kept hugging and saying, "Pearl loves this pumpkin!" She enjoyed scooping out the seeds and tasting the pumpkin, and especially taking off its lid and replacing it over and over again, and had fun seeing its glowing face. She helped me hand candy out to trick-or-treaters but sobbed when they left, wanting to run off with them.

She is singing again! She started for the first time many months ago, but hasn't been doing so for a while. Lately she has been like a little songbird in the house and in the car, and it is very sweet.
She likes to share. She will readily give her Daddy and I toys as well as playmates, and also will distribute toys between the kitties.

She has learned how to use the mouse! She knows how to get back to my desktop if the computer goes to sleep and logs us off, how to click through my flickr photostream, and how to restart her favorite Father Goose song in WinAmp. Her geeky parents could not be more proud.
It was so awful to see her sick with a stomach bug. The third day she was sick she slept and slept and I was so worried about her. I felt that it was a healing, recovering sort of napping but I couldn't help but be afraid that she wasn't getting better. It was so wonderful to see her chipper, happy, and wanting to eat the next day. I've been trying to gradually (read: lazily) work our way towards weaning but I am very glad I was able to provide her with such a comfort as she was ill, as well as liquid nourishment that was easy on her tummy.

Her last baby tooth broke through on the fourth of November and has been terrorizing the household since with all the grumpiness and sleeplessness it has been causing.
Between the new molar, the sickness, Thanksgiving, and the move, it has been a heck of a month and Pearl is just now bouncing back to herself.

Labels: Month by Month, Pertaining to Pearl, Photographs