Friday, November 24, 2006

Unconscious Mutterings - 11/24/06

  1. Teacher ::
  2. My sister-in-law, stern in front of a classroom of middle schoolers
  3. Fifty ::
  4. Graying hair, thickened middle
  5. Crossword ::
  6. Black and white, concentrating
  7. Stuffed ::
  8. Furry and soft, white fluff peeking out through worn spots
  9. Family ::
  10. Noisy, warm, smiling, laughing - sensing and marveling at our similarities, our differences
  11. Purr ::
  12. A happy cat, warm in the lap
  13. Toad ::
  14. A toad winking beneath a toadstool - from the art and words of Gwen Frostic (which I have long loved)
  15. Cocktail ::
  16. Shrimp! Cold shrimp.
  17. Insecurity ::
  18. Never feeling pretty, never feeling good enough
  19. Magical ::
  20. Fairy lights and things in the woods not-quite-glimpsed, the world that you think you could see if you could squint your eyes just so...

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