I am FuzzyPeach, mama to sweet little Pearl. We live with my husband in a small city in the Ozarks, two technohippies raising their daughter and growing as a family in the hills. Here I explore getting back to nature through motherhood, talk about my experiences of life with a tot, express random thoughts, and share my creative works.

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- We Love the Mei Tai, But the Hotsling Gets Some Us...
- First Photo of My Child Smeared with Chocolate
- Here's Your Morning Dose of CUTE!
- Fluffiest Skein Ever!
- A Very Tired Girl
- Our New Toy
- For Those Of You Who Are Still a Bit Puzzled...
- Elimination Communication Update
- I've Created a Monster
- Wheee!

Sermons on the Mount (of Laundry)

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Thursday, August 11, 2005
Yaay! That little bean sure is getting the hang of this growing up thing! :)
That's awesome! My little guy did that too, for the first time around 8 weeks, but then has periodically FORGOTTEN how to do it (tummy to back) since then. He's a great roller (back to tummy) but then, when he's tired, he gets STUCK on his tummy and gets soo huffy! Things for you to look forward to! :)
Aww cool! Sorry you missed the first time though but you know there are plenty more "firsts" you'll catch!
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