Pearl's First Christmas

We spent Christmas Eve with my family. Poor Pearl was not happy to be somewhere other than home in the evening, and we had to leave right after present opening and miss the tradition of waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. Thankfully, Pearl was content on the ride home, and slept for a while - it does indeed seem that she has outgrown the screaming in the car.
Christmas morning we three got into our stockings and then opened what Santa had brought! He brought some good stuff - Mr. Peach got a case for a media-center PC and a book, I got two tripods - one standard size, one miniature and oh-so-cute! - and a gig of memory for my camera, and Pearl got stacking toys, a spinning toy, some books, and some non-toxic paints!
We went and opened presents at my in-laws'' and then went to Mr. Peach's grandma for Christmas dinner - and had to take our overwhelmed baby home early once again, but got to take some ham home with us.
I overindulged myself with Christmas goodies containing chocolate and milk, and as a result poor Pearl has been plagued with reflux for the past two days. I guess she hasn't outgrown that! She's been hard to get to sleep because of it, and quite grumpy when she's awake (understandably). Her schedule also got thrown way out of whack, which is probably contributing to her distress.
So, we're spending this week recovering. We should have done what my husband suggested, and gone to Mexico for Christmas!
I'm glad y'all had a wonderful, yet understandably tiring holiday. The pictures are adorable.
Have a Happy New Year!
I vote for Mexico next year myself. Christmas is difficult with a young baby- but it will get better and more fun as they get older...
Everyone to Mexico for Christmas next year!
So glad Santa was good to you all and that Pearl got to experience her first Christmas. (sorry about the dairy thing sticking around). Off to go look at your pics!
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