Introducing Pearl

An hour or so later, being poked and prodded in the nursery:

I appear to be in labor. I have been having strong and regular contractions, lasting for about a minute with about three minutes in between, for the last six hours. I really hope this is the real thing, because I don't think I could handle this being a false alarm! The back pain accompanying the contractions and sometimes stretching between them is pretty intense. Still, the evening has passed quickly. My husband and I walked around outside at sunset, smelled the honeysuckles and saw a rainbow in the clouds. It was pleasant. I thankfully had a nap at noon, I don't think I could sleep through this, though I might try. Right now I think I'll go take a shower.
Last night's full moon was supposed to send me into labor, and it didn't. I had some pretty strong contractions complete with backache starting at about 3am but eventually I fell back asleep so they must've stopped. And I've been having some throughout the day, some pretty strong, some pretty wimpy, which is about normal for the past, what, week? Two weeks? I guess nine weeks if you count all the premature contractions, but except for the ones that sent me to the hospital, those were mild compared to this month's contractions.
My sister, on the other hand, has been having pretty strong and steady contractions since 4am! So maybe this is it for her. She predicted the 23rd is when I would go into labor, and the 25th for herself - looks like she might be right!
Soon, I'm going to be an Aunt!