Thursday, December 30, 2004

Prenatal Appointment Update Along w/Holiday Stuff

Merry Belated Christmas to all, and here's to a happy new year!

I had a good but very busy period of holiday activity followed by a period of intense laziness. I got some nice gifts from my family - birdfeeder, tasty treats, chocolate... that's all I can remember right now. Mr. Peach got me a Nintendo 64 and my favorite game - Diddy Kong Racing. He also got me a set of gorgeous wooden crochet hooks. I got him a pair of ten-hole doc marten boots and some slippers - hmm, a foot themed Christmas. I was also going to get him a nice beard trimming set but there were none to be found barring a crappy set of scissors with a cute little comb at Walmart. I still have my eye out for one however.

He cleaned the house today. It looks WONDERFUL. I had a bad morning, not feeling well and I even had a little emotional crying spell:( I thought it might be the weather, it's been nice but cloudy the past few days and I need my sun... but upon reflection it might've been teething - I had a headache and later felt that a little part of one of my wisdom teeth was poking out. They move in and out... sometime painfully. I intend to get them out once I've had the baby. Then of course there's the pregnancy hormones to consider...

Speaking of which, yesterday was my latest prenatal appointment. I was eighteen weeks and a day then, and it was a very quick uneventful appointment. My mom and little sister went along, to hear the heartbeat, and I had some reservations about them going but it didn't bug me too badly.

I only gained 1.5 pounds this time, compared to six and four in the last two months. Which is good, don't want to end up a blimp. My uterus has grown three centimeters from last time and is now 17cm! It took my CNM a while to find the heartbeat with the doppler but once she did it was going pretty fast - 173 bmp! Of course baby was moving around a lot - doesn't like the doppler I don't think. She found the heartbeat much higher up this time too.

So that was that! My next appointment is January 27th, and that is when we will have the big ultrasound and hopefully find out if we're having a boy or girl.

The other night Mr. Peach had a dream that we had a baby girl who just would not stop peeing, so he was carrying her around in a two-liter like diaper contraption. The same night I dreamed we had a little baby boy who laughed and smiled at me, as I was dressing him in about five layers of onesies!!

Speaking of which I bought another baby outfit - a thing with legs that unsnap and then can resnap in a different way so that it doesn't have legs anymore, it's a gown! I hope that makes sense. Anyways I found the idea of a convertible baby garment cool and couldn't resist.

We also ordered a fetoscope - a special stethoscope to hear fetal heartbeats - and it arrived today. Even though the word floating around it that you can't hear with them until after 20 weeks, we of course tried right away. Mr. Peach was able to hear the heartbeat twice, but both times by the time he'd passed me the earplugs and I had them on I couldn't hear anything. I could hear some little bops and pops though! So that was definitely fun.

Laying on my bed using it made me wish we were having a homebirth, with a real midwife, who comes to my house for visits rather than me driving to the hospital... maybe next time, maybe then we'll have our own house built.

Today we bought our beach shoes for our trip to Cozumel. Mr. Peach got some Teva sandals and I got some Teva water shoes. We got them at a good price (although, being Tevas, they were still pricey) as we purchased them at a local outfitter's outlet.

Sixteen more days until our trip! And twenty-eight until the ultrasound. I'm counting the days til both!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

And So It Begins

Today marks the start of my career as a stay-at-home gestater, soon to be mother. I feel good about this. I have a lot of things I want to accomplish: finishing up unpacking, arranging the house, crochet projects, and also some changes to my blog. It has started to irk me a bit and so I think it's time to shake it up a bit... so be on the lookout for some newness, probably even a change of location. I shall alert you when that does happen, for those of you who visit me regularly, and I have no idea how many of those there are. I have noticed that I have been getting a lot of traffic lately and that's cool.

Yesterday was Christmas dinner and presents with Mr. Peach's family, and it was fun. I like his family a lot, which is good considering that not only am I part of it now, but I live next door to his parents as well. That arrangement is working out fine, they don't bother us at all and keep to themselves quite a bit. It's nice to have them so close too, as I'm pretty sure I might start getting lonely out here all by myself all day... but maybe not. I'm very introverted. At any rate, they're there if we need them!

I felt the baby move again yesterday morning! It felt like (s)he was rolling over, which was a relief, since before then I think baby was in a position that was causing my stomach discomfort. I felt the same thing the other day and it wasn't very fun. I knew that carrying a baby caused various pains and discomforts due to how they were laying but I didn't think it would start so soon!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

I'm Lissotrichous, Baby!

Want to know what that means?

I love my word-a-day list! This week's theme is hair. I'm hoping they'll send me a good word to describe Scott's.

Anyhoo today is my last day at work. It's very calm and quiet and pretty boring.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Poor Me

Feeling poorly, I thought, "I'll go buy some juice!" and perked up. Then I wilted again as I realized I just spent my last dollar on a snickers not fifteen minutes ago.

I've been so thirsty lately... this little cold I have on top of being pregnant has completely dried me out.

Wheeee, I just found some change! Off to the juice machine!

Oh Christmas Lamp, Oh Christmas Lamp!

We don't have a Christmas tree yet, probably won't mess with getting one this year.. so we have the Christmas Lamp.

It started when I was bored, perhaps unsurprisingly. I was going to hang the lights around the entryway to the dining room but couldn't find anything to hold them up so I just strung them round and round the lamp that was standing conveniently nearby. Later the lamp was bedecked with candy canes, and soon it will have a nice pile of presents at it's base.

What to get everyone for Christmas has been a very perplexing question this year but in the last week I have managed to come up with several very good ideas. I feel quite proud and a little in awe of myself and my amazing gift-coming-up-with abilities. However there are still a few blanks on the list which shall need filling out... hmm.

This morning I got my hair cut and I am very pleased with the results. My stylist is really quite amazing. I always gush about her. I just told her a few details of what I wanted and she gave me a lovely cut. It's fun to watch her snip it too.. at times it just looks so random! But it turns out beautifully.

I saw two shooting stars last night from the Geminid meteor shower. We weren't even stargazing... it was much too cold for being outside last night. This was just looking out my southern bedroom window at bedtime. I love living out in the country.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

My Belly, Today

Here are a few pictures of my belly, taken this morning. They're both from kinda bad angles. I am sixteen weeks along.

The first one was taken by Mr. Peach and now that I've cropped it it doesn't look as bad as I thought. Still, next time I'll have him squat down to shoot.

This next one was taken by yours truly and shows just how expansive my belly has gotten. Actually I think this picture might be a little skewed, as the top part of my torso was turned more than my belly was.

Yeah, surely that one's not accurate...

Well, for comparison's sake, here's a very dark, grainy shot I took when I was eleven weeks along. This one is actually from the same half-turned angle as the previous photo, but I'm holding the camera in a different place. Also, I took this one with the help of a mirror.

Next time I do belly shots I'll do them properly, none of this half-arsed business:)

Thursday, December 09, 2004

I Felt the Baby Move!

Today is a very exciting day. This morning I was sleeping in a chair at Mr. Peach's work.. because I go ahead and ride into town with him in the mornings to save gas even though I don't work until the afternoon. Anyhoo, I was sleeping in a chair and woke to reposition myself into a curled up position.. but I didn't stay there long because it was hurting my belly. So I sat up and after a few moments, I felt this gentle rolly-thump in my lower left belly! It was a totally foreign feeling and I have no doubt that it was the baby. I only felt it once and haven't felt it again yet but it has started!