Pearl's Ninth Month

At the beginning of this month, Pearl started saying Mama. It isn't exactly a joyous sound as she usually says it when she's upset - "mamamamamamama" when she's tired and hungry, or when I leave the room and she crawls after me. She's shown a little seperation anxiety but nothing major. Anyway, I won't deny that I like hearing it. A few days ago we were reading a book (I believe I've probably mentioned here and there that Pearl likes books, but she really, really likes them. She will sit quietly in my lap while we go through her entire basket of books which is about 15 board books - and sitting quietly is not something Pearl does often! She will also look through them by herself longer than she will play with any of her other toys.) and we got to a part that goes, "Baby jumps in mama's lap" and right after I said "mama" she looked up at me and said, "Mama!" It was a very sweet and happy moment for me.

She waved bye-bye to my mother earlier on in the month but that's the only time she's done it. It seems as if she likes to wave "Hi!" though. That's pretty much it as far as signing goes lately. She never has done the potty sign and she does the sign for milk only very rarely. I don't know if I need to implent more so she realizes that it is a regular way of communicating, or what.

As far as pottying goes, we're still doing pretty good. Some days, only a few misses; others, we only catch the after-nap pees, if that.
Imitative fun has really peaked this month and playing games where people alternate doing things with her is a favorite activity - especially the wiggle dance, where she wiggles her little head and body at you, then waits for you to do it back, then she does it again. It is very cute and funny to see. She also has learned to cluck her tongue and likes to do that back and forth with me.
She weighs about nineteen pounds now, but I haven't tried to measure her height recently. Her second tooth popped through - over a month after the first one! So there is a pair of uneven teeth peeking out when she smiles now. Pearl feeds herself like a champ now, usually just by grabbing big chunks of food and gnawing pieces off, then sucking what's left out of her fist, but occasionally using the pincher grasp, too. She's not eating a whole lot of solids but she does eat something a few times a day.

Pearl has really mastered the art of crawling now, and it just is awesome to see her zooming around the house. She learned how to climb down into and up out of the the dining room, though she still bonks her head occasionally. She has free run of theplace other than the bathroom and bedroom, which are kept closed off. She likes cruising and has learned to get down from the standing position with a little whirl and a plop. She has stood for a few seconds but nothing stable or regular yet - which is good, as I am not ready to have her toddling quite yet! She already seems so grown up.

This anniversary of her birth seems extra special, almost sacred. She's existed as long outside of the womb as she did inside. Contemplating that has reminded me of a lot of things about her as a newborn that I don't think I ever wrote about: how her eyebrows were invisible and felt like velvet, the soft lanugo that was still on her upper arms and shoulders... the crimson crescent in her left eye where a blood vessel burst when she was born, how smooth her feet were - I would stroke the soles of her feet and just marvel at how silky they felt, amazed to be touching feet that had never trod anything but the smooth walls of the womb. How she spent so much time dreaming. She goes to bed before we do, and I go and nurse her a few times before settling in for the night. Even though I enjoy my quiet time after she goes down for the night, I don't want to leave her side after she unlatches. I love her so much!