Eleven Months Old
Taking things out of containers has long been a favorite activity. This month she has taken it to the next level and is putting things back where they go. She is restacking her happy stack, putting her books back in their basket, and she also likes to put random toys in any handy container and I enjoy seeing her collections:

Pearl attempts to put the pieces of her wooden puzzles back where they go, too. She got two of those this month and I was so impressed with how she grasped the concept right away. In fact Pearl amazes me all the time with how much she knows and how easily she learns - I taught her to snort like a little piggy just by doing it in front of her a few times, and she knows what lots of words mean and will point or look at Daddy, the kitties, the mirror when I say the words...

Pearl started 'toy surfing' this month - crawling along with one or both hands on a toy that she slides around. She is initiating play more and more - she will put her mouth on my belly in an imitation of the raspberries I blow on hers then pop back up, and do it again when I stop giggling. Any time she can she catches ahold of my hands, wanting me to walk her around the room. Walking down and back up the step between the living room and the dining room is something she has been doing over and over and she has gotten very good at it, which is good as I was somewhat worried of how she would handle the drop once she started toddling.

Along with "mama" she is saying "Hi!" and sometimes "hey". "Hi!" is often accompanied by waving and she usually will wave bye-bye to Daddy when he leaves for work in the morning, though sometimes she waits until he's actually gone and he misses it!
Daddy has become Pearl's jungle gym and she climbs all over him when he sits on the floor. He also reads her bedtime stories most nights and it is very sweet to see her relax with him as they read.

She is letting go of the furniture and standing on her own all the time now, sometimes falling, sometimes taking a step or even two! Her record is three steps at this point. Pearl is also attempting to stand up without pulling up, getting one leg beneath her but not both of them yet.
Perhaps being on the brink of the bipedal phase of her life has her feeling scared and vulnerable, or perhaps it is just plain old seperation anxiety but lately Pearl will not let me get more than four feet away from her without some serious fussiness. Getting her to nurse in the mornings has also been very difficult for the past week or so, which leads to a pretty stressed mama. There was a day last week where she did not nurse from the time she woke up until after noon, when she was asleep, which was over six hours. I couldn't get her to eat or drink much else either and was worried that she was hungry, worried that she was dehydrating but also worried that this was a full-out nursing strike and that I might have nursed her for the last time and not even known it. That thought was enough to reduce me to tears and panic but thankfully she nursed fine the rest of the day. She had a bit of reflux then, along with the runny nose that won't go away, and was tired... the runny nose seems to be the key to our morning nursing difficulties. If she will just try to breathe through her nose she usually can, with snuffliness, but it's getting her to force air through her nose that is the problem. All that makes the nursing acrobatics she's been performing seem like not a problem at all!
Her fourth tooth, the front upper right, came in earlier this month and I think she's working on the next two teeth right now. She's chubbed back up again this month - she is still nursing a lot (other than the morning shenanigans) and is eating usually three times a day, though not much at a time. I can tell she is really wanting to eat for the sake of getting the food now, not just eating because I put it in front of her. She loves peaches and green beans and lentils! Her hair is getting long and curls a little at her neck though I am still not sure if she will have her Daddy's ringlets or not.

She is my sweetie pie, my monkey bear, my wild and crazy baby. I am so glad she is my daughter!
Labels: Month by Month, Pertaining to Pearl, Photographs