Five Previously Unknown Things about Fuzzypeach
- I regret the time Pearl spent away from my side as a newborn in the hospital. I didn't think it would bother me beforehand, and it did minimally at the time, but now I feel badly about it and I wonder what she felt/thought at those times. I don't think I'll be having a hospital birth again, though it was a pretty good birth all around.
- An aunt's Chow Chow bit a chunk out of my cheek when I was a toddler, leaving me with a scar near the corner of my mouth. I have only the vaguest memory of it, and I'm not sure if it is a true memory or just something constructed from the stories about it I have heard - but I've been very wary of dogs since.
- When I was in high school I planned on becoming a midwife. I was studying to be a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, with the intent to go on and get my Master's in Nurse-Midwifery. After I stopped going to college I still toyed with the idea of becoming a plain old midwife until earlier this year, when the midwifery school in my city closed down. Realistically though, I do not think I am cut out to handle the stress/responsibility that comes with that job, as amazing and rewarding though it would be.
- I don't generally have a problem with grossness... I can handle dirty diapers and scrubbing the bathroom just fine, but food grossness is another matter. I can't stand to mess with old food that's been sitting around on plates, and I when I do dishes I do everything I can to insure that I don't come into contact with any nastiness. I'm also paranoid about food being done enough.... food germs, ugh.
- I read books I love over and over and over again, until they fall apart. I firmly believe that a good book is like an old friend - it's always nice to go and visit them!
Labels: NaBloPoMo, The Fuzzy Peach Show